Why You Should Consider Upgrading Your Switchboard?

Strike Electrical
3 min readApr 12, 2024


The condition of your switchboard is essential to the electrical safety of your house. It is a fundamental electrical component that connects and distributes power throughout your home. Due to the possibility of incorrect fuses that lead to hotspots and electrical arcing that can spread throughout the entire wire system, outdated electrical switchboards can be extremely dangerous. This could lead to broken appliances and increase the risk of a fire.

Switchboards are found in areas of the house that usually remain out of sight. A malfunctioning system can ignite a spark or flame that spreads swiftly, endangering lives and causing property damage. In addition to having loose wires and triggering switches too frequently, obsolete switchboards raise the possibility of electrocution. But upgrading it can assist in resolving these problems. This piece explores eight justifications for switchboard upgrades.

1. Better safety

The irregular wiring of outdated electrical switchboards makes them dangerous. Due to the significant risk of shorting, sparking, and starting fires, the majority of them have wiring that is no longer acceptable. Their connections could result in heat accumulation in the switch and fuse terminals, which could start a fire. Old insulation on obsolete switchboards deteriorates with time, exposing electrical lines.

The residual current device (RCD), which detects electrical shocks and instantly disconnects circuits, is absent from them. A safety switch known as an RCD is included with an updated switchboard; it prevents electrocution and saves lives. Electrical rewiring meets the rules for electrical safety, which have evolved over time.

2. Money savings

Because old switchboards are typically less efficient, they can waste a lot of energy and raise your energy costs. Because they are more likely to experience issues and require more call-outs, they may also have higher maintenance costs. Circuit breakers and residual current devices are features of upgraded switchboards that lessen the need to call in electricians for updates to older boards. Because they use less energy, switchboards that are more recent can lower your monthly power bill costs.

3. To comply with electrical standards

The government and other pertinent authorities typically establish minimum safety requirements and electrical codes that all building owners and homeowners must follow. This guarantees that their electrical systems can handle the power demands that contemporary families place on their switchboards due to the increased use of gadgets and electronics.

Critical requirements for your switchboard are outlined in the defined electrical standards. These include the need for all power and lighting switches to have safety measures that allow the system to shut down in the event of an overload. By doing this, electrical problems are kept from endangering your property.

4. Manage flickering lights

Flickering lights can be caused by several issues, such as bad light bulbs, overloaded circuits, sporadic grid power surges, or issues with the switchboard. Sometimes older switchboards are unable to control a steady flow of electricity. To identify the source of flickering lights, check for dropped circuits, crowded switchboard wiring, and blackened or melted fuses. Changing your switchboard can assist in resolving this problem.

5. Prevent fire

Electrical fires are the main cause of home fires. By updating your switchboard, you can lower the chance of these fires occurring. Older switchboards may have fuses stacked too closely together, which could eventually cause the fuses to loosen and result in wire breaks and electrical fires. Modern appliances can draw down power from your aging electrical system, which means your switchboard needs to have additional capacity in order to prevent blown fuses and high protection levels. Modern switchboards feature circuits with relay-controlled devices (RCDs) that trip to cut off all power when they sense a problem with your appliances or electrical wiring.

The Conclusion

Are you looking for switchboard upgrades or wiring upgrades in your home or office? If yes, seek the help of a reliable residential or commercial electrician in Auckland. Strike Electricals is a leading electrical services company that offers a wide range of services including wiring upgrades, smart home setup, and others.

Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us to read more about choosing professional electrical services in Auckland.



Strike Electrical

Strike Electrical provides Electrical Services for Residential Purposes, Commercial Purposes and Construction Field Purposes in Auckland.